COLONIAL SPOON DOLL KIT--In colonial America, girls often crafted dolls of ordinary household materials
such as whittled clothes-pegs or wooden spoons. In those days, a Spoon Doll was made from an ordinary wooden kitchen spoon with the back of the spoon painted, carved or wood-burned to represent a face. For the more special dolls, dried berries were used to paint facial features. Spoon dolls always had cloth or wooden arms attached and were clothed in the simplest of clothes.
Our Colonial Spoon Doll Kit includes materials enough to make one and outfit one spoon doll, using a child's-sized wooden spoon. #701 IMAGE comes from cAtalog picture 178 and cAtalog picture 253
HANDKERCHIEF DOLL KIT --The Handkerchief Doll is perhaps the best known of all folk dolls and is very easy to make. Although the Handkerchief Doll was certainly around during the Revolutionary War times, it is most often associated with Victorian America.
During the 19th century, most children were forbidden to play with toys on Sundays. The handkerchief doll was one of the toys that was still allowed,however, because it was a quiet activity. Our Handkerchief Doll contains materials to' make and lace ' one traditional 'play-prettie ' doll. #702 IMAGE comes from cAtalog picture 179
CLOTHESPIN DOLL KIT-- The 'Whittled-Peg' or Clothespin doll has always been the most favorite of all dolls to make . Out Classic kit features materials and clothepins to make and outfit one boy and one girl clothespin doll. #703 IMAGE comes from cAtalog picture 177
YARN DOLL KIT-- In colonial America, yarn was homespun and was widely available. Yarn was dyed and used for a variety of craft projects. The left-over yarn was often fashioned into a very special yarn doll. Making this yarn doll remains a popular activity even today. Our Yarn Doll Kit contains materials to make and outfit one classic yarn doll. #704 IMAGE comes from toy graphics 092
TRADITIONAL CORNHUSK DOLL KIT- It was the Native Americans who taught this simple toy-craft to the early settlers. Our Traditional Cornhusk Doll Kit contains materials to make one cornhusk doll. #705 IMAGE comes from cAtalog picure 181
EARLY AMERICAN CORNHUSK DOLL KIT--After the settlers learned this craft from the Native Americans, they learned to outfit the dolls with household or native materials. In the early colonial days, the felt makers or felt hat makers frequently gave away their left-over scraps. Children soon learned to gather the scraps and fashion easy-to-make outfits for the traditional cornhusk doll.
Our Early American Cornhusk Doll Kit features cornhusks and felt enough to make one traditional cornhusk doll. #706 IMAGE comes from cAtlog picture 182
NATIVE AMERICAN CORNHUSK DOLL KIT When the Native Americans fashioned their authentic cornhusk dolls, they used either cornhusks, corn silks or horsehair to wrap around the face. Our Native American Cornhusk Doll Kit contains cornhusks and genuine horsehair to make one authentic doll. # 707
IMAGE comes from Childrens toys and fahions 185
EARY AMERICAN CORNCOB DOLL KIT --The Corncob Doll is most often associated with life on the Oregon Trail or the life and writings of Laura Ingalls Wilder. There is evidence that also places the usage of this doll in colonial America. Our Corncob Doll Kit contains a pre-drilled and fashioned seasoned corncob, and bandana materials to make and outfit one classic doll. #708 IMAGE comes from cAtalog picure 188
EASY-TO-MAKE EARLY AMERICAN FOLK DOLLS-- This classic book shows how to make 12 traditional early American folk dolls.
Some of the more
well-known dolls are the Cornhusk Doll, Rag Doll and Hankerchief Doll.
Also included are directions to make the Early American Poppet Doll, Colonial Spoon Doll , the Pioneer Leavings Doll and many more. Simple and easy-to-understand.
POCKET FOLK DOLLS KIT --In the days of early America, little 'pocket-sized dolls' were quite the popular doll to make. Our kit includes materials to sew two traditional pocket folk dolls. #710 IMAGE comes from cAtalog picture 185
PENNY WOODEN DOLL KIT-- Jointed wooden dolls have been popular for centuries. It was during the nineteenth-century, however, that the Penny Wooden Doll became all the rage in England
and was then exported to America.
The doll is so-called because street vendors sold them for a penny each .
Our Penny Wooden Doll Kit contains materials to make and outfit one traditional doll. #712 IMAGE comes from cAtalog picture 250
MAKE A SOCK MONKEY- The Sock Monkey is one of those cuddly 'everyone had one of those growing up' kind of toys.
Our kit features the original
Rockford Red Heel socks, yarn and complete instructions to make one
genuine Sock Monkey! #713